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Christ The King Boy's National School, Scoil Chriost Ri, Caherdavin, Limerick City Christ The King Boy's National School, Scoil Chriost Ri, Caherdavin, Limerick City

January with us

6th Mar 2025

In January we settled back into school after our Christmas holidays. 

  1. 🏐🏐 We are still practicing our Gaelic football skills with our coach Míchéal.
  2. 👮👮 We had a special visit from our community gardaí. They let us try on their uniforms and the boys even got to arrest Ms.Casey and Paulina.
  3. 📱📱 We were working hard on our addition sums on the iPads.
  4. ➕🟰 The boys worked hard on the number knowledge in maths.